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Bus Safety Rules

Riding a school bus is a privilege.  Students are expected to demonstrate appropriate behavior while waiting at the official bus stop, while riding the school bus and while departing the school bus.  The school administration will dispense punishment/consequences as the below listed rules are violated.  These punishments shall be progressive and age appropriate. Misbehavior not listed in the Student Code of Conduct will be handled at the discretion of the administration.

By Georgia law, if a student is found to have engaged in behavior defined in the student conduct code (Policy JCDA-R) as acts of physical violence or bullying toward another student or other person on a school bus, the same consequences shall apply as in any other school setting.   The definition of ‘physical violence’ is included in Board of Education Policy JDCA.​

As with other infractions that may occur during the school day, bus infractions will be identified as minor rule infractions (which will be documented as per PBIS) and major rule infractions that will reported to the school administration and processed according to the student handbook.

Bus Rules
   (PBIS Minor Rule Infractions)

  •     Students are to stay seated with their feet on the floor while buses are on the route except when drivers give permission to move.
  •     Students must keep all parts of their bodies and all objects inside the bus.
  •     Students may not eat or drink on regular bus routes.
  •     Although talking is expected, loud noises, yelling, etc. are prohibited.

(PBIS Major Rule Infractions)

  •     Students are to be ready and waiting for the bus at the official bus stop at least five (5) minutes before the time of the bus to arrive. In order to stay on schedule and to keep from holding up traffic, the bus will not wait for prolonged periods.
  •     Bus drivers under the Department of Education Safety guidelines are not to add any additional bus stops to pick up students who miss the bus. 
  •     If a student misses the bus at their designated time, it is the responsibility of the parent to see the child gets safely to school.
  •     Students must not throw anything while on the bus.
  •     No glass objects or weapons are allowed on the bus.
  •     Any dangerous animals (dead or alive) are not allowed. Exceptions will be made for class projects on an individual basis. These animals must be contained in a non-glass, non-breakable container.
  •     Personal items such as toys, nail polish, lip stick or gloss, perfume, deodorant, etc., are not allowed to be out while on the bus route.
  •     Fighting or physical play is prohibited.
  •     Students must be quiet at railroad crossings.
  •     Students crossing a street will cross in front of the bus in full view of the driver at the driver’s signal to cross.
  •     Students cannot check mailboxes unless the box is 12 feet off the road.
  •     Parents are not permitted to board a school bus for any reason unless authorized by the bus driver and then for school purposes only.
  •     Profanity or obscene gestures are not allowed on buses.
  •     Parents/riders are not to use verbal or written abusive and/or profane language toward a student or school official while at or near the bus stop.
  •     Pre-K students are required to have a parent or caregiver present to meet them at the bus stop.